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It's Nesting Season...Give Raptors Space

The most sensitive period in the breeding cycle is incubation, hatching, and fledging, when outside disturbance to the nest site—particularly from climbing—could compromise the chicks. When you encounter signage indicating a closure due to nesting raptors, please respect it.

Many cliff-dwelling raptor species are protected under federal law such as the Endangered Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and/or under state law. The laws that protect raptors (e.g., peregrine falcons, golden eagles, and prairie falcons) depend on the raptor species and the state. Protection of nest sites is a priority for protecting raptor species.

Information about seasonal raptor closures is widely communicated and publicized in the climbing community by land managers, by your local climbing organization, in guidebooks, and on Mountain Project. Learn about seasonal raptor closures at your local crags and road trip destinations before you head out, and climb somewhere else until the closure is lifted.

Together we can help protect and promote the welfare of the endangered raptors with which we share the cliffs. The climbing experience would be greatly diminished by their absence.